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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 September 2011 Bias toward numbers in judging teaching

Bias toward numbers in judging teaching

  • 09-07-2011
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Blog by Larry Cuban/Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

In the U.S. people—yes, I include myself here—making decisions about important issues such as buying a home, picking a school for a five year-old or deciding on a college often give more weight to those features carrying numbers with them rather than qualitative features without numbers. Say, focusing on the square footage in the house vs. the feel of roominess. Or a teacher-student ratio in a kindergarten vs. sense of family that children and teacher communicate. From unemployment figures to batting averages and pass interceptions to calories, numbers carry far more weight with Americans than those variables that are harder to measure. Jonah Lehrer makes this point in one of his postings. (more...)


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