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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 September 2011 Obama jobs plan may call for repairing nation's schools

Obama jobs plan may call for repairing nation's schools

  • 09-01-2011
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By Richard Wolf/USA Today

A plan to boost construction jobs nationwide by providing federal money to repair public schools is picking up support among unions, economists and liberal advocates with direct ties to the White House. President Obama himself promoted the plan during his 2008 campaign, and some money was made available for school repairs in the $825 billion economic stimulus law passed in 2009. Now supporters are urging Obama to invest tens of billions of dollars as a major component of the jobs plan he delivers to Congress next week. The proposal would funnel federal money to school districts where repair work has been delayed for years. One option to pay for it: wiping out nearly $50billion in tax breaks for oil and gas companies, proposed by Obama but nixed by Republicans who control the House. (more...)



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