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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 September 2011 Pushing parents to get involved in kids' education

Pushing parents to get involved in kids' education

  • 09-06-2011
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Column by Steve Lopez/Los Angeles Times

Scads have been written the last few years about education reform, teacher evaluations and funding shortages. But relatively little has been written about two parties with huge control over the quality of any child's education. The student and the parent. Anyone up for a national conversation on parent evaluations? Last week, I went to South Gate for a visit with Mary Johnson, a grandmother who knows a thing or two about how parents can step it up. It was her own grandmother, in fact, who provided the early training. Johnson and her six siblings lost their mother when Johnson was just 2. So all seven of them went to live with grandma Emma Bessix in Dover, Del. The house had no electricity, but it had an established place where all the kids had to do their homework — or else. (more...

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