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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 September 2011 Throwing the book at school libraries

Throwing the book at school libraries

  • 09-14-2011
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Column by Steve Lopez/Los Angeles Times

It's September, a time to remind children that we care about them and have high hopes and all that. So what's going on in Los Angeles Unified? The school district is dumping 227 of its 430 elementary school library aides and cutting the hours of another 193 aides in half. Welcome back to school, kids. At Burton Elementary in Panorama City on Tuesday morning, library aide Mary Bates was wondering whether to fight, pack up her belongings for a transfer to her fourth school in two years, or have a good cry. "I can't tell you how many kids have told me they'll miss me," Bates said under a sign that reads "Books Can Take You Anywhere." (more...)


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