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You are here: Home Newsroom IDEA News Archive July 18: Parcel tax fairness again makes headlines

July 18: Parcel tax fairness again makes headlines

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  • 07-19-2010
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IDEA Director John Rogers was quoted in yet another news article about the propensity for school districts to turn towards parcel taxes as a means of recovering funds they have lost from the state.

The Diego Union-Tribune reported that between 2001 and 2009, 132 districts placed parcel tax measures on the ballot and 83 received the needed two-thirds vote to pass them. Most were smaller districts in affluent neighborhoods. Last month, Los Angeles Unified failed to pass a $100 annual parcel tax that would have generated about $92.5 million annually over four years for the arts, class size reduction and maintenance.

"The pain of budget cuts is felt across the state and across income levels," Rogers was quoted. "But students will get a different level of education depending on where they live and whether it is in a community that can afford to pass a parcel tax."

The 131,000-student San Diego Unified School District is seeking to pass a five-year parcel tax that would raise $50 million annually.

Read full story here.

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