2009-10 Council of Youth Research
This year, the Council of Youth Research has been exploring the following research question:
How is the current economic crisis impacting the ability of LA youth to learn and advance on a trajectory toward college and civic participation?
Students began their research over the summer, when they worked in teams to document how different neighborhoods throughout the city were experiencing the economic crisis. Each team spent dozens of hours in their study neighborhood interviewing high school students, staff and community residents. PowerPoints and documentaries were created about the neighborhoods of South Los Angeles, East Los Angeles, West Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley and Watts.
Throughout the school year, the students shifted their focus to their own campuses. Council members collected more than 1,480 student surveys at Roosevelt, Wilson, Crenshaw, Locke and Manual Arts high schools.
In May, the students will travel to Denver to present their findings during the American Educational Research Association's annual conference.
The Project
Students presented their findings March 15, 2010 at the UCLA Labor Center in downtown Los Angeles. Their work included PowerPoint presentations and short public service announcements.
The Students
Learn a little more about the students who have been involved with the Council of Youth Research this year.
The Adults
The students' success was thanks in part to a team of dedicated teachers and UCLA student researchers.