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What are you thankful for in education?

  • 12-21-2011
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Blog by John Merrow/Huffington Post

In a recent tweet, I wondered aloud about what we should be thankful for in education (a similar discussion happened before Thanksgiving on the Learning Matters website). I got a variety of responses, including: Students who are hungry to learn; Parents and other family members who work in concert with teachers to support effective learning; Growing collaboration between School Boards and Unions, often made possible by foundation grants; Teacher collaboratives, like Barnett Berry's Teacher Leader Network and the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; A rich and broad variety of well-written blogs that assist in solving problems; Research and documentation of pedagogy and materials that have a positive impact on learning; and The Internet itself, which allows teachers to connect and support each other. That's a nice list. However, although I am basically a 'glass half-full' personality, it's hard to be cheerful given what we are doing in public education. (more...)


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