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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 September 2010 A new year, a new school complex for L.A. Unified

A new year, a new school complex for L.A. Unified

  • 09-13-2010
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By Howard Blume/Los Angeles Times

The start of the traditional school year Mondaywill also mark the unveiling of the Robert F. Kennedy Community Schools complex, the much fought-over $578-million learning center that now occupies the site of the historic Ambassador Hotel. The campus, which comprises six independent schools, will unlock its doors to about 3,700 students as a maelstrom of issues buffets the Los Angeles Unified School District, the nation's second-largest school system. The school's delayed Sept. 13 opening is the consequence of budget cuts that shortened the school year, while classes here and in other school systems will be larger because of teacher layoffs. (more…)

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