Charter schools being urged to serve ELLs
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Calif. votes to reject Texas textbook changes
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Steinberg's teacher layoff bill buried in Assembly
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Kindergarten to shift to Sept. 1 start
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L.A. Unified board makes first statements about test score analysis of teachers
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Bill targets parents of chronically truant kids in grades K-8
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NYC study gives K-8 schools an edge over middle schools
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Survey finds limited familiarity, success with turnarounds
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It’s the poverty, stupid: The education reform debate is misdirected.
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High-ranking teachers ignore pacing standards
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Saddleback school district imposes 13.5% pay cut
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School Beat: How much will federal education dollars cost us?
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When does holding teachers accountable go too far?
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Should test scores be used AT ALL for teacher evaluation?
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Edujobs money won’t be budget hostage
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CTA, flexing political clout, targets Steinberg tenure proposal
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L.A. civic leaders urge LAUSD, union to revamp teacher evaluations
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Teachers comment on their value-added evaluations
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America's best teacher and the L.A. Times
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Charter school scandal could bolster transparency bill
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Obama must stick to his guns on education
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RTT and the problem with trying to do too many things at once
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U.S. asks educators to reinvent student tests, and how they are given
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California to use new type of nationwide school tests
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Politics, not evidence, drive education reform
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Hearing opens in legal battle over Arizona ELL programs
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Some i3 winners still scrambling for grant match
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California's 'English learner' students are learning faster
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California schools to receive federal boost
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A matter of time before exit exam’s exit
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New Common Core tests to shelve "modified achievement standards"
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Good teachers, good students
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Accuracy and disclosure: the issues in values-added dispute
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School achievement gap endures despite reforms
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Interim superintendent of L.A. County education office appointed
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WHO ASKED US: What's the matter with CA schools? L.A. students poll their peers
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In a new role, teachers move to run schools
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Analysis notes virtual ed. priorities in RTT winners
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Teaching to the next test
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Educators push back against Obama’s "business model" for school reforms
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L.A. and Ariz.: Will data conflicts spur a chill effect?
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Earlier cutoff date to enter kindergarten a step closer in California
Education News Roundup |
BP aids state's school content
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ACLU raises questions about microchip tracking of preschoolers
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UTLA head A.J. Duffy fights to make union part of reform
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Local tax measures crowd ballot as voters asked to foot bill for budget crisis
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State appeals court blocks school drug tests
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Sister: 'Little Rock Nine' member's mission was education for all
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The root: Marches alone cannot fix education
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Welcome back to school "reform"
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Learning-disabled enrollment dips after long climb
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L.A. Unified delays first day of school year
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Duncan announces plan for year-round testing
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New tests: expensive, harmful, unnecessary
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Schools: The Disaster Movie
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Parents Across America demand to be heard
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Education department still lags in employee satisfaction
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Should California teachers be graded by students scores?
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Jobs bill tardy for schools: Many districts expect to use funds next year
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Students follow legacy of late farm labor leader
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Viewpoints: State must be forced to fund education
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EdSource report weighs in on school finance debate
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California charter schools grow in popularity
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Wading through data on student spending
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Race to Top Winners embed STEM projects in plans
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First, bash the teachers: Media find a scapegoat for educational failure
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We must shift from teacher quality to teaching quality
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Rhee in D.C.: The myth of the heroic leader
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Los Angeles Unified School District workers rally against budget cuts
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LAUSD unveils teacher evaluation plan
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Two Long Beach schools teaching algebra with iPads
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Governor urged to sign bills to allow for distribution of money to schools
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Public schools face lawsuit over fees
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Schools vs. Slogans
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Luis Sanchez, a top aide to L.A. school board president, will run for open seat on panel
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Jobs money flowing, but not smoothly
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Able and very willing to sign Edujobs bill
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State shifts cash crisis to schools
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Arizona education chief: Feds looking at claims of English bias
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The Great Education Myth
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Why kids in school need to play
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Yes we need great teachers! But vague, emotional rhetoric can be counterproductive
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Assessing a teacher's value: Too unreliable
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Teachers spend own cash for class supplies
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Why the RTT consensus has led us nowhere
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Oversight questions fuel school pay-to-play lawsuit
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California bill would ease arts requirement in high schools
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NCLB foe releases slew of bills
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Foundations urge adopting A-G for all
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Perpetual cycle of school reforms
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Where's the smart money in a Great Recession?
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'i3' winners pin down last-minute matches
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Black male grad rates: despair, and a ray of hope
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Obama's back-to-school speech coming Tuesday
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Bill Gates stirs up the education debate in Toronto
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A new year, a new school complex for L.A. Unified
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Number of failing schools in California increases dramatically
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Calif. schools make gains on state academic index
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Racial disparity in school suspensions
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Few changes on SAT posted by class of 2010
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