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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 September 2010 ACLU raises questions about microchip tracking of preschoolers

ACLU raises questions about microchip tracking of preschoolers

  • 09-07-2010
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Blog by Corey G. Johnson/California Watch

The American Civil Liberties Union is questioning Contra Costa officials over their implementation of a microchip tracking program in their preschool centers. Nicole Ozer, the ACLU's technology and civil liberties director, told California Watch that she asked the county to provide more information about their program. She was especially interested in the technical specfications of the microchips and how the program came into being. Ozer, who works out of the organization's San Francisco office, was heavily involved in advocating for the California law against forced microchip implantation, and she successfully challenged Brittan Elementary School's microchip identification program in 2005. As she wrote in a blog post last week: (more…)

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