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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 September 2010 Bill would create green career academies

Bill would create green career academies

  • 09-22-2010
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

Two noteworthy education bills I haven’t written about are sitting on Gov. Schwarzenegger’s desk. Both had substantial support in the Legislature, and, by all rights, deserve his signature. But with this governor, you never know. SB 675 would create 97 “green” partnership academies in the areas of clean technology and renewable energy. It would pay for them by tapping  $8 million from an existing, small ($.00022 per kilowatt) surcharge on the price of electricity. Building a skilled workforce and spurring careers in alternative energy and resource conservation are a novel, appropriate use of the fund and will help California keep an edge as a national leader in green technology. There currently are 475 partnership academies in the state. The three-year programs often are located within comprehensive high schools and offer hands-on training in a career area, work internships, and academic courses and supports, such as tutoring. (more…)

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