Education reform has jumped the shark
Blog by Anthony Cody/Education Week
I wrote a few weeks ago that we had reached a tipping point. It is strange the way these things work. The education reformers have invested billions in numerous ventures that promote their vision. This next week, the release of Waiting for Superman, NBC's Education Nation specials and teacher townhall, and Michelle Rhee and Bill Gates on Oprah -- all will create a crescendo of voices, images and the master narrative that has been carefully developed over the past decade. Our schools are failing. The only way to save them is to expand charters, remove due process for teachers so they can be fired, and further raise the stakes on standardized test scores. But ideologically driven projects like this have a way of over reaching, over-promising, and overestimating their strength. And the moment that they reach their apex is actually the moment they begin to collapse. Education reform has finally jumped the shark. The signs of its imminent collapse are all around us. (more…)