Go see the other education documentary: The Race to Nowhere
Blog by Danny Miller/Huffington Post
I've rarely seen a documentary get as much press before its release as Davis Guggenheim's "Waiting for Superman" has. I've seen the preview in movie theatres about a dozen times now and it always whips the audience into a frenzy, with some people shedding tears over these poor kids who simply want a decent education. But in some education circles, there is a growing rumbling that the well marketed film is not all it appears to be. Some worry that the documentary may help derail important school reform efforts. These folks are disappointed about what they deem to be an anti-teacher, anti-union, anti-progressive education stance on the part of the filmmakers. I'll wait to see the film myself before I comment but educator Rick Ayers has posted his response on the Huffington Post. (more…)