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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 September 2010 Local tax measures crowd ballot as voters asked to foot bill for budget crisis

Local tax measures crowd ballot as voters asked to foot bill for budget crisis

  • 09-07-2010
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By Theresa Harrington/Contra Costa Times

East Bay taxpayers in November are being asked to foot the bill for California's economic crisis, with dozens of school districts, cities and special districts floating parcel taxes, bond measures and sales tax increases to shore up flagging budgets. The number of requests for money demonstrates the growing need schools and local governments face as they try to maintain programs, employees and services in the wake of budget cuts. School districts especially, with few outside revenue sources, are increasingly turning to voters for bonds and parcel taxes to close state funding shortages. Bonds pay for facilities, while parcel taxes help districts pay for general fund operating costs they might otherwise have to do without. (more…)

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