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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 September 2010 Teachers comment on their value-added evaluations

Teachers comment on their value-added evaluations

  • 09-02-2010
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Op-Ed/Los Angeles Times

On Sunday, The Times made public a database that assigned "value added" ratings to some 6,000 Los Angeles Unified School District teachers. Rankings from "least effective" to "most effective" were assigned to teachers based on an analysis of whether they consistently raised or lowered their students' scores on standardized tests. Teachers were allowed to review their scores in advance and post comments if they wished to. Some were outraged at the idea of publicly releasing the data. Others welcomed the feedback. And still others questioned how a single measure could provide accurate information about a teacher's competency, and worried that teachers would become much more test-focused in their teaching. We have excerpted some teachers' comments below. (more…)

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