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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2010 September 2010 The root: Marches alone cannot fix education

The root: Marches alone cannot fix education

  • 09-07-2010
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Opinion by Lester K. Spence/NPR Lester K. Spence is an assistant professor of political science at Johns Hopkins University.

Recently the Schott Foundation released a bleak report on the state of black male education. Only eight states graduate more than 70 percent of black non-Hispanic males from their high schools. Four states have a graduation rate between 60 percent and 69 percent. Twenty states (plus Washington D.C.) have graduation rates below 50 percent. Nationwide, the non-Hispanic black male graduation rate is 47 percent. Combined with the double-digit unemployment rates in our communities and the epidemic of foreclosures, we know that we are living a crisis of epic proportions. (more…)

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