We must shift from teacher quality to teaching quality
Commentary by Joseph Wise/Education Week (subscription required) Joseph Wise is the managing director for Atlantic Research Partners and the author of Power of Teaching—The Science of the Art.
Remarkable transformations in pre-K-12 education have occurred over the past 30 years; some have actually enriched schools and school systems by implementing systemic efficiencies. Others have served to heighten awareness of all that effective teaching actually entails. But many have been devastating. They have weakened the work being done in pre-K-12 classrooms, and set in motion certain practices and protocols that frankly undermine daily instruction. Over a period of decades—decades of hard work and even greater posturing that ultimately resulted in the adoption of the federal No Child Left Behind Act—we have blurred an essential component of our work: accountability . Accountability, at its essence, is not a goal; it is the acceptance of responsibility for all that we do in our classrooms, day in and day out. Accountability, when embraced for what it is, turns out to be not some sort of punitive “gotcha”; instead, it is what drives commitment to continuous examination, reflection, and improvement. (more…)