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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 May 2011 An open letter from Arne Duncan to America's teachers

An open letter from Arne Duncan to America's teachers

  • 05-02-2011
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Commentary by Arne Duncan/Education Week

Arne Duncan is the U.S. secretary of education.

I have worked in education for much of my life. I have met with thousands of teachers in great schools and struggling schools, in big cities and small towns, and I have a deep and genuine appreciation for the work you do. I know that most teachers did not enter the profession for the money. You became teachers to make a difference in the lives of children, and for the hard work you do each day, you deserve to be respected, valued, and supported. I consider teaching an honorable and important profession, and it is my goal to see that you are treated with the dignity we award to other professionals in society. In too many communities, the profession has been devalued. Many of the teachers I have met object to the imposition of curriculum that reduces teaching to little more than a paint-by-numbers exercise. I agree. (more...)

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