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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 May 2011 Anti-charter bill runs into trouble

Anti-charter bill runs into trouble

  • 05-05-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

A bill sponsored by the California Teachers Association to radically change the state’s charter school law and give districts unappealable power to reject charter petitions failed to win majority support of the Assembly Education Committee on Wednesday. That doesn’t mean the end of AB 1172, but its author, Assemblyman Tony Mendoza, a Democrat representing Whittier and Norwalk, will have to make changes he so far hasn’t agreed to if it’s to stand a chance. Only two Democrats on the 11-member committee voted to support the bill. The bill, which raised the charter community’s threat alert from orange to red, would make three major changes. It would: (more...)


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