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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 May 2011 Arne Duncan skepticism: Teachers question U.S. Education Secretary's respect for them

Arne Duncan skepticism: Teachers question U.S. Education Secretary's respect for them

  • 05-04-2011
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By Joy Resmovits/Huffington Post

It may be Teacher Appreciation Week, but if online comments and blog posts indicate anything, some public school teachers don't feel the love from their employer, the federal government. On Monday, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan penned an open letter to teachers, published in Education Week and on the Department of Education website, expressing his thoughts about why educators "deserve to be respected, valued and supported." But many teachers weren't moved. "If you truly hear us, you’ll recognize the fact that we are not opposed to honing our craft in ways that foster student learning for all students," one educator, who identified herself as "Tracie," wrote in the comments below the letter. (more...)

Also: Good, Forbes

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