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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 May 2011 Business leaders put focus on education

Business leaders put focus on education

  • 05-05-2011
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By Vauhini Vara/Wall Street Journal

The single policy change that would help the business climate for Silicon Valley companies: improving schools, according to executives surveyed by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, a trade association for regional businesses. In the survey, conducted in December 2010 and January 2011, 71% of 175 respondents said efforts by local governments to improve K-12 education would boost the business climate for their company, while 54% said similar state efforts would do the same. The focus on education comes as recent studies indicate a deterioration of the nation's ability to produce high-quality science students, with an even weaker performance in California, a pattern that could make the region noncompetitive because of a lack of a trained work force, according to the Silicon Valley group. (more...)

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