Do we need four years of high school?
Expert Blog/National Journal
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, to the disappointment of eager politicos waiting for more hints of his presidential ambitions, last week gave a fabulously wonky speech at the American Enterprise Institute on Indiana's newly minted education laws. On Daniels's list of education achievements is a new teacher evaluation measure and a voucher system for parents that want to send their kids to private schools. One of the more interesting developments that Daniels highlighted is a new option for Indiana high school students to get their diplomas early. If they complete their graduation requirements in their junior year, they can take the state money that would have gone to their "fun-filled cruise through senior year" (Daniels's words) and put it toward some kind of post-secondary education. Arizona is implementing a similar early high school diploma that will allow students to take college course for credit after their sophomore year if they pass the board exams. The idea behind both the Indiana and Arizona early graduation policies is to encourage student achievement over mere seat time. (more...)