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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 May 2011 Education programs assail 'U.S. News' survey

Education programs assail 'U.S. News' survey

  • 05-10-2011
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By Larry Abramson/NPR

Amid criticism from education reform advocates who say many teacher preparation programs provide poor training, a national organization is conducting a review of more than 1,000 programs to help aspiring teachers choose from the best. This consumer guide for prospective teachers — conducted by the National Council on Teacher Quality — will be published in U.S. News and World Report next year. But many schools of education say the effort is misguided, and they are threatening to scuttle the project. Teacher training programs have similar goals, but they vary tremendously. Kate Walsh of the National Council on Teacher Quality, who is spearheading the effort, points to requirements for middle school biology teachers. (more...)

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