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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 May 2011 Kiss a teacher day

Kiss a teacher day

  • 05-03-2011
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Blog by Lily Eskelsen/Lily’s Blackboard

A teacher from Wisconsin was wearing a button that read: National Kick a Teacher Day. I don’t know her. But I know what she’s saying. For political reasons, it seems to me, some high profile politicians have decided to make public school teachers the scapegoat for a bad economy (caused by Wall Street tycoons that got to keep their bonus billions for causing a global financial meltdown, by the way). But it doesn’t end there. One group concerned about low voter turnout blamed teachers for not instilling the importance of voting. People aren’t recycling enough because teachers didn’t stress it enough. I was in a group of earnest doctors concerned about childhood obesity that we should hold public school teachers accountable for the weight to body mass ratio of their students. It seems that if there’s a problem out there, there is an arrow that points to public school teachers as the source of all that’s wrong. It’s convenient to have someone to blame. But it’s wrong. Today’s teachers are incredible. (more...)


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