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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 May 2011 Mitch Daniels: Pro-national standards, anti-more money

Mitch Daniels: Pro-national standards, anti-more money

  • 05-05-2011
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By Michele McNeil/Education Week

If Mitch Daniels decides to run for president, his recent legislative victories on education as the Republican governor of Indiana foreshadow what his national K-12 agenda would be. Private-school vouchers and public school choice. Limits on collective bargaining for teachers. An emphasis on content over pedagogy for teachers. An expansion of charter schools. Teachers evaluated, in part, on test scores. In fact, aside from vouchers, this agenda looks very much like the Obama administration's. And in a closely watched speech today at the American Enterprise Institute, where folks were looking for a hint into Gov. Daniels' presidential aspirations, he acknowledged as much. President Obama and U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, he said, "have had the courage to, in many cases, irritate some of their allies." He went so far as to "salute" and "commend" them on most of their education agenda. (more...)

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