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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 May 2011 Obama pledges help for illegal immigrant grads

Obama pledges help for illegal immigrant grads

  • 05-02-2011
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By Erica Werner/Boston Globe

Stepping up his demand to change the nation's immigration laws, President Barack Obama on Friday promised graduates at a vast, multicultural community college that he'll keep working to help students not legally in the U.S. to become American citizens. The president's renewed endorsement of the DREAM Act, which has become a rallying cry for Hispanic and other students around the country, drew enthusiastic applause from more than 3,000 graduates of Miami Dade College at their commencement ceremony. The students are part of an increasingly important political constituency in a state that will be crucial to the president's 2012 re-election hopes. The college graduates more Hispanic students than any other higher education institution in the U.S. Obama took note that some students had recently identified themselves publicly as immigrants without legal status in the country. (more...)

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