Progress in unexpected places
Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess
In unheralded corners of California, Latino and African American students are busting the averages, producing higher scores and larger numbers of college-ready graduates. This is happening in places like Val Verde Unified and Desert Sands Unified in Riverside County and Sanger Unified in Fresno County. They were among districts with outstanding grades in “A Report Card on District Achievement: How Low-income, African-American, and Latino Students Fare in California School Districts,” a comprehensive report by Education Trust-West, ranking 146 unified districts – those with at least 5,000 students tested – based on four academic performance measures.*** Ed Trust-West Executive Director Arun Ramanathan is hoping that profiling the three districts in the report – “the myth busters” – and producing individual district report cards will be “conversation starters” to spur districts to look hard at achievement gaps and to learn from the success of others. (more...)