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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 May 2011 RTTT runners-up not jumping at chance to split $200 million

RTTT runners-up not jumping at chance to split $200 million

  • 05-27-2011
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Blog by Michele McNeil/Education Week

It seems some of the nine states who are eligible to share a Race to the Top consolation prize are looking at the $200 million Education Secretary Arne Duncan has offerred them with a wary eye. After all, the most any of the states would likely get is $50 million, and some could wind up with as little as $10 million. South Carolina already says it has no interest in the money. Now, Pennsylvania officials are telling me they might apply, but will not be submitting any part of the old application, which failed to win a share of the original $4 billion pot. The state's Race to the Top plans were crafted under the Democratic administration of former Gov. Ed Rendell. Now, Republican Gov. Tom Corbett is running the show. Any proposal would be an entirely new one, Pennsylvania Department of Education spokesman Timothy Eller said. That would conflict with what the U.S. Department of Education wants to do with the money, which is to let states implement part of their original plans as part of this latest round. (more...)

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