Says who? Lots of folks, actually…
Blog by Robert Pondiscio/The Core Knowledge Blog
Whitney Tilson, ed reform’s most aggressively outspoken acolyte, is cranky with those who think reformers “don’t acknowledge the importance of factors outside of a school’s control like poverty.” And he’s none too happy with the idea that reformers “demonize teachers.” In his latest ed reform email blast, he throws down the gauntlet: “I challenge anyone to show me even one quote from one leading reformer who says that reforming the schools is all that is needed or who believes that great teachers and improved teaching methods are all that’s required to improve student performance.” Excuse, me Mr. Tilson, I think you dropped your glove. Let me get that for you. It took me all of 30 minutes of Googling to come up with these memorable bon mots: (more...)