Teachers deserve more than a week
Blog by Kati Haycock/Huffington Post
A friend of mine used to work for the National Association of Office Workers. When Secretary Appreciation Day rolled around every year, they very deliberately ignored it -- offended by the idea that "bosses" could appreciate their "secretaries" one day a year, only to mistreat them the other 364. Most of the teachers I've talked to within the last couple of months feel exactly the same way about Teacher Appreciation Week. Especially this year, when teachers feel like they have been cannon fodder for governors from Wisconsin to Florida, not to mention in the movies. A week of banquets and bouquets doesn't exactly salve the wounds. This current effort to portray teachers as fat cats, feeding at the public trough with no concern for their students, has got to stop. So, too, must the effort to spin research on the importance of quality teachers to suggest that quality teachers are the only thing that matters. (more...)