The myth of the superstar novice teacher
Blog by Jennifer Smith/Washington Post
I came into teaching through the Miami Teaching Fellows in 2006, and I credited the program — a branch of Michelle Rhee’s national New Teacher Project — with helping me enter the classroom without having to go back to college to take a bunch of education classes (and spend a bunch of money). Still, I had the gnawing feeling that the program had a political agenda that my own experience in the classroom had taught me to disagree with strongly. So I had mixed feelings when I learned it had fallen to the mighty budget cut axe. The New Teacher Project (TNTP) was founded by Rhee much in the model of Teach For America (TFA). The main differences between the two programs are that TFA expects its participants to leave teaching after their two-year commitment, and TNTP encourages its participants to make a career out of teaching critical shortage subjects in high-needs schools locally. (more...)