To the barricades and to the mall
Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess
The tent sign on a table at the food court at Valley Fair Mall in San Jose read, “I am a teacher. Ask me what I do.” So I did. Jennifer Thomas, an English teacher at Lincoln High in San Jose Unified, was reading 94 two-page essays by her three freshman classes on the topic “Should there be a curfew at the malls for students?” She was one of 100-plus teachers seated around tables, papers and computers out, at the “grade-in” after school at Valley Fair, one of dozens of similar events up and down California on Tuesday, the second day in the California Teachers Association’s week-long State of Emergency actions. Their colleagues went to the barricades at the Capitol; thousands more went to the mall to reach out to a tuned-out public. The macro message, at sit-ins, leafletings, and rallies, is for the Legislature to extend $11 billion in taxes, due to expire this month, to prevent as much as $4.8 billion more in cuts to K-12 schools. (more...)