U.S. schools chief backs off on publication of teacher ratings
By Louis Freedberg/California Watch
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has tempered his initial enthusiasm for publishing teacher effectiveness ratings based on test scores. Last summer, after the Los Angeles Times published "value added" ratings of 6,000 elementary school teachers on a scale ranging from "least effective" to "most effective," Duncan applauded the paper for its action. "What's there to hide?" Duncan said, as reported in an article headlined "U.S. schools chief endorses release of teacher data." "In education, we've been scared to talk about success," he was quoted as saying. But since then, he has gone out of his way to say that teacher effectiveness ratings should be based on far more than just test scores. They should also include parent feedback and portfolios of students' work, he said. (more...)
Also: Los Angeles Daily News